Compostable natural fibre nettings

Sustainable packaging - for a livable future
Plastic saving 2023
Plastic saving 2024
Plastic saving 2025

Together we saved the world from a little bit of plastic.
We would like to thank you as a customer and partner for this.
CompoPac® is a compostable natural fiber netting,
which is made 100 percent from renewable wood materials (cellulose) in a climate-friendly process. In it, fruit and vegetables as well as Christmas trees find an environmentally friendly and product-appropriate home.

Fruit and vegetables from here, plastic nets from anywhere? That doesn't go together. That is why we attach great importance to the fact that CompoPac® is manufactured both from biodegradable materials and in an ecological way. After all, we have a responsibility - towards the environment and our children.

Christmas is a contemplative celebration for the whole family ... and unfortunately also an environmental sin. Advent calendar made of plastic, mountains of garbage made of wrapping paper: How about not only giving presents to loved ones for Christmas, but also doing something good for our planet?
The biologically degradable fibres break down in composting systems completely after about twelve weeks. (Certified in accordance with DIN EN 13432:2000-12)
Perfect fit
Be it nuts, oranges or Christmas trees – we adapt CompoPac® in width, mesh size and resilience to the individual product.
We are able to colour our compostable nets individually and in a harmless way.
High quality
Nets from CompoPac® are breathable, tear-resistant and have not only a natural look but also a soft and smooth touch.
Environmentally friendly
Wood from Central Europe, nets made in Germany: Short routes ensure a manufacturing process with the minimum amount of CO².
In order to reduce our ecological footprint, we use regenerative energy sources, process water and also REACH-certified colours.
Our nets are a harmless way to pack fruit and vegetables – after all they are certified according to the declaration of harmlessness LFGB 50436 U 19.
Cellulose fibres absorb the moisture of the packaged goods and continuously release it again. This guarantees longer lasting freshness.


In clothing, in toys, in packaging … plastics are everywhere. Because they are so versatile, so cheap and – precisely where the problem lies – unbelievably durable. The most sustainable way forward is to avoid plastic. This is why we developed CompoPac®.

Want to dispense with plastic?

Become part of our network and help the environment. Our experts are happy to help.